माइक्रोसॉफ्ट वर्ड 2010 शॉट कट की :-
- F1 Help. (A separate window will come up.)
- Ctrl O Open
- Ctrl V Paste
- Ctrl C Copy
- Ctrl X Cut
- Ctrl N New Document
- Ctrl Shift O Format Painter
- Ctrl Shift F Font
- Ctrl B Bold
- Ctrl Shift P Font Size
- Ctrl I Italic
- Ctrl U Underline
- Ctrl Shift + Superscript
- Ctrl > Grow Font (Increase the font size.)
- Ctrl < Shrink Font (Decrease the font size.)
- Ctrl D Font (Open the Font Dialogue box
- Ctrl L Align Left
- Ctrl E Centre Text
- Ctrl R Align Right
- Ctrl J Justify(Aligns text both to the left and right side of the margins, filling up the page)
- Alt Ctrl Shift S Styles
- Ctrl H Replace
- Ctrl F Find
- Ctrl E center
- Ctrl L left text
- ctrl R Right Text
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